Heidelberg University

XXXIV Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days - Programme

The XXXIV Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days of the Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics and the Department of Physics and Astronomy take place from 7th - 10th April 2015. Participants from other universities are very welcome!


Welcome to the Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days. The courses are open for advanced students, in particular those working on their Diploma, Master's and doctoral theses. Our aim is to offer courses that broaden the physics knowledge of our students as well as to teach specialized techniques.

The Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days take place for the 34th time this spring!

The courses are organised as parallel block lectures, with the morning lectures taking place from 9:30 to 12:30 and the afternoon lectures from 14:00 to 17:00, including coffee breaks. There is also a free lunch each day included in your registration. Note that each course runs every day for four days either in a morning or afternoon slot.

In addition to the courses, there will be snacks (beer and bretzels) on Tuesday evening, and the traditional Hans Jensen lecture will take place on Thursday, followed by a barbecue that is also covered by the registration fee.

To take part in the XXXIV Grad Days please register yourself here.

The Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days take place im Neuenheimer Feld 226, in the Physikalisches Institut, see details of venue .

To obtain meals, you will receive meal tags on registration at the conference office in the foyer of INF 226.

The programme and these details can be downloaded here:

Programme - Flyer


Please note that the room allocation will be finalized shortly before the lectures start. Details can be found then on this website.

Hans Jensen Invited Lecture

on Thursday, 9th April 2015, at 17:30 (s.t.)

Lars Hernquist

(Harvard University)


After the Hans Jensen Invited Lecture, we will have the d-fine barbecue!

Regular Course Programme

Morning Courses (Tu-Fr, 9:30 - 12:30)

Laura Covi
(Göttingen University)
Baryogenesis in the Early Universe
Yves Gaspar
(Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Brescia)
Gravitation and Thermodynamics
Andrea Merloni
(MPE Garching)
An X-ray view of Active Galactic Nuclei and their Cosmological Evolution
Paul Rhodes
(Evolved Machines, Palo Alto, California)
Physical Modelling of Neural Circuits
Lothar Schad and Florian Lietzmann
(Heidelberg University)
Applications of NMR in Biomedicine
Nina Rohringer
(Center for Free-Electron Laser Science, Hamburg)
Timely topics of atomic and molecular physics with femtosecond x-ray free-electron laser sources

Afternoon Courses (Tu-Fr, 14:00 - 17:00)

Valeria Pettorino
(Heidelberg University )
Light on the Dark Universe: Cosmology and the Cosmic Microwave Background
Jörn Grosse-Knetter
(Göttingen University)
Semiconductor Devices for the Detection of Ionising Radiation
Joerg Jaeckel
(Heidelberg University)
Fundamental Physics at Low Energies
Andreas Komnik
(Heidelberg University)
Physics of New Materials: From Carbon Nanotubes to Topological Insulators
Robert Strzodka
(Heidelberg University)
Using Accelerator Libraries for Science
Ute Leidig
(Heidelberg University)
Analyzing Personal Potential for your Career

Student Representatives' Welcome and general welcome party

On Tuesday evening at 17:15 (venue to be announced), we will have our Student Representatives' Welcome. Information about the School and general discussions will take place. Your hosts are the student representatives. This will be followed by a general welcome party.