Heidelberg University

The 48th Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days of the Heidelberg Graduate School for Physics and the Department of Physics and Astronomy take place from 11th - 14th April 2022. Participants from other universities are very welcome!

The 48th Heidelberg Physics Graduate days will take place in times of Corona. We thus have strict precautionary measures. Before registering, please read all information carefully.
The Organisers


Welcome to the 48th Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days. The courses are open for advanced students, in particular those working on their Master's and doctoral theses. Our aim is to offer courses that broaden the physics knowledge of our students as well as to teach specialized techniques.

The courses are organised as parallel block lectures, with the morning lectures taking place from 9:30 to 12:30 and the afternoon lectures from 14:00 to 17:00, including coffee breaks. There is also a free lunch each day included in your registration. Note that each course runs every day for four days either in a morning or afternoon slot.

To take part in the 48th Graduate Days please register yourself here.

The Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days take place im Neuenheimer Feld 226, in the Physikalisches Institut, see details of venue .

The programme and these details can be downloaded here: Download

Hans Jensen Invited Lecture

on Wednesday, 13th April 2022, at 17:30 (s.t.)

Observing the global carbon cycle from the vantage point in space:
From methane point sources to photosynthetic carbon dioxide uptake

Christian Frankenberg


Regular Course Programme

Morning Courses (Mon-Thu, 9:30-12:30)

Laura Classen
(Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart)
Superconductivity from repulsive interactions
Neil MacKinnon
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
At the intersection of microengineering and magnetic resonance: challenges and opportunities
Fabian Rennecke
(Giessen University)
Dense strongly interacting matter
Florian Goertz
(Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics)
Going Beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics
Sanam Vardag
(Heidelberg University)
Understanding the carbon cycle and setting the scientific fundament for efficient climate action

Afternoon Courses (Mon-Thu, 14:00-17:00)

Tommi Alanne
(University of Liverpool)
Particle physics from cosmic backgrounds
Lucia Masetti
(Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)
New trends in calorimetry for particle physics
Thomas Mikal-Evans
(Max Planck Institute for Astronomy)
The physics and observability of exoplanet atmospheres
Lauriane Chomaz,
Skyler Degenkolb
(Heidelberg University)
Ultracold quantum matter: what can you do with atoms and neutrons

Additional Lecture

On Monday evening at 17:30 (s.t.), we will have an industry lecture

Sahill Poddar from Parafin, San Francisco

will give a talk on

The Physics of Entrepreneurship

Student Representatives' Welcome and Information Evening for New Doctoral Students

On Tuesday evening at 17:15, we will have our Student Representatives' Welcome. Information about the School and general discussions will take place. Your hosts are the student representatives.