47th Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days - Covid-19 Information
The 47th Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days will take place under strict precautionary measures, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The winter semester 2021 is planned to be an ONSITE semester. We are assuming this at the time of calling for registration (July, 2021).
- The general rules for attendance are that participants must fulfil the so-called "ggg" conditions. "ggg" stands for "geimpft, genesen oder getestet", meaning that you can attend if you are vaccinated, have recovered from a COVID-19 illness, or you can provide a daily test (at your own organisation).
- However, in order to accomodate the wishes of our external speakers, we may offer several courses online only. We will inform you of this in due course latest in the week before lectures start.
- After registration has closed, we will analyse it and distribute (onsite) places according to seats available, all on a first-come-first-served basis.
- There will be no evening social events, as we cannot guarantee that the weather will be good enough for us to be outside.
- We may have to change organizational measures depending on the development of the COVID-19 pandemic. We will keep you posted.
- The usual COVID-19 regulations apply (social distancing, wearing medical or FFP2 face masks when a distance of 1.5m cannot be maintained (for example on stairways)).
Please see the University website on COVID-19 regulations .