Heidelberg University

Quantum Information Processing with Superconducting Circuits

Ioan Pop, KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Following the first demonstration of a coherent superconducting circuit, 20 years ago, the field of quantum information processing using superconducting quantum bits (qubits) has witnessed an exponential development. For an optimist observer, the current performances suggest that within a horizon of 5-10 years superconducting quantum machines could outperform classical machines in some specific tasks. I will start the class by presenting the basic principles of quantum information processing and the functioning of computers based on qubits, with an emphasis on experimental implementations using superconducting circuits. Following the general introduction, I will focus on the quantization of superconducting circuits and the functioning of different types of superconducting qubits. I will discuss sources of loss and dephasing, and I will mention several strategies to increase quantum coherence. During the last lectures I will introduce circuit quantum electro-dynamics (cQED), parametric amplification, and quantum error correction. I will offer homework problem sets ranging from derivations of basic results, to solving practical problems one could encounter in a research laboratory.