Heidelberg University

XXVII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days - Programme

The XXVII Heidelberg Physics Graduate Days of the Heidelberg Graduate School of Fundamental Physics and the Department of Physics take place from 4th - 7th October 2011. Participants from other universities are very welcome!


Welcome to the Physics Graduate Days. The courses are open for advanced students, in particular those working on their Diploma, Master's and doctoral theses. Our aim is to offer courses that broaden the physics knowledge of our students as well as to teach specialized techniques.

The Graduate Days take place for the 27th time this autumn!

The courses are organised as parallel block lectures, with the morning lectures taking place from 9:30 to 12:30 and the afternoon lectures from 14:00 to 17:00, including coffee breaks. There is also a free lunch each day included in your registration. Note that each course runs every day for four days either in a morning or afternoon slot.

In addition to the courses, there is a special lecture on Tuesday evening, as well as the Hans Jensen lecture, which will take place on Thursday. On Tuesday evening, snacks will be provided and on Thursday evening, there is a traditional barbecue, that is also covered with registration. To take part in the XXVII Graduate Days, please register yourself here.

The final programme (now with room allocations) can be downloaded here:

Programme - Flyer


Hans Jensen Invited Lecture

on Thursday, 6th October 2011, at 17:30 (s.t.)
Physikalisches Institut, Philosophenweg 12, Großer Hörsaal

Vera Lüth

(SLAC, Stanford, USA)


After the Hans Jensen Invited Lecture, we will have the d-fine barbecue!

Regular Course Programme

Morning Courses (Tu-Fr, 9:30 - 12:30)

Gudrun Hiller
(University of Dortmund)
Flavorful Matter - why not?
Wolfgang Lerche
(CERN, Geneva)
Introduction to N=2 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Dima Shepelyansky
(University of Toulouse)
Quantum Chaos Applications: from simple models to quantum computers and google matrix
Klaus Blaum
(MPI for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
Physics of Ion Traps - High-precision experiments with stored and cooled exotic ions in Penning traps
Harald Dimmelmeier
An introduction to the safety of nuclear power plants
Ute Leidig
(Heidelberg University)
Basic Principles of Teaching at University Level

Afternoon Courses (Tu-Fr, 14:00 - 17:00)

Thorsten Battefeld
(University of Göttingen)
Aspects of Early Universe Cosmology
Klaus Kroy
(University of Leipzig)
Structure and Dynamics of Soft Matter
Ofir Alon
(University of Haifa)
Bose-Einstein condensates: An ideal laboratory for theoretical many-body physics
Shaukat Khan
(University of Dortmund)
Introduction to Particle Accelerators, Synchrotron Radiation and Free-Electron Lasers
Gerhard Kraft
(GSI Darmstadt)
Tumor Therapy with Ion Beams
(d-fine Team, Frankfurt am Main)
d-fine on Finance

Additional Lecture

On Tuesday evening at 17:30 (s.t.), we will have an industry lecture, followed by a general welcome party.

Dr. Steffen Berg from Royal Dutch Shell

will give a talk on

How does oil move through rock?

Student representatives' Welcome and Information Evening for new doctoral students

On Wednesday evening at 17:30 in the Kleiner Hörsaal of the Philosophenweg 12, the student representatives, Raoul Haschke and Steffen Wetzel will give you insights on the Graduate School and information and tips on how you can benefit from it.